In the Realm of the Goddess Clutha by Jude Lally

A slow ritual walk on the banks of the River Clyde; facing into a bitterly cold west wind.

Gathering grey clouds sweep in from the Atlantic, dropping their rain on the slopes of western mountains.

Cycles of life and death.

As I walked one foot after the other, I thought of ancient Mesolithic feet on the shore. Peoples foraging and trapping birds; picking up shellfish and then returning back to little skin covered coracle canoes to head back to camp.

Layers of ancient mud turned to stone. Now bedrock, this stone was once sand on an ancient beach, when this land was in a very different longitude and latitude.

Lichen encrusted weathered sandstone

Clutha is the Goddess of the River Clyde, the essence of the river, she’s within the clouds above, swimming in the waters that leave Loch Lomond, racing down the River Leven pouring into the River Clyde.

Gratitude for her waters, and to feel the warmth, only if momentarily, of the low winter sun.

(Meet Mago Contributor) Jude Lally

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