(Poem) Gathering Woman by Arlene Bailey

I am a gatherer
As was my Mother
and Her Mother
and her Mother before
All the ancestral mothers
Back to the Bone Mothers

We gather things
We gather people
For in gathering we
share love, hope
and purpose
And we protect

By gathering we create
Changing the energy
of the one to the many

Gathering is instinctual
in nature too
Watch the birds as
they build their nests
Squirrels as they collect acorns
Crows as they collect seemingly
unrelated objects

We are gatherers
All of us
Predisposed to the idea of
the one becoming many
Creating an interconnection
Creating a whole

I am a Gathering Woman
And I call to me
That which I need
That which needs me
As together we weave
New beginnings.
As together we create
A new whole.

(Meet Mago Contributor) Arlene Bailey

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