Imbolc: Through Goddess Eyes by Carolyn Lee Boyd

Photo by Carolyn Lee Boyd

In times past, Creation’s Winter cupped me in her icy hand of sanctuary

Gathered in, I sucked dormant life, and slumbered

Till Earth’s rebirthing groans awakened my new body

Now, older and full of life’s weeping and wondering awe

At all that has happened in my decades on Earth

I must shake myself into consciousness

My seed’s opaque, blinding hull disintegrates and

Bodyless, at last I can see through Goddess eyes

I ache as my blood paints each flower petal

I spin the whirlwind that cannot stop creating abundance

I push the seasons through the year

that mortals believe revolve of their own accord.

Through Goddess eyes I can see me,

I inhabit Winter’s hand as my own.

I make the cold to slow creation of outside of me

To gather the seed into fertile stillness within.

That burgeons in my own time.

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