(Meet Mago Contributor) Alaya A. Dannu

Alaya DannuAlaya A. Dannu, MTP, is a dancer, self-taught artist, a life-long student of transpersonal psychology, and is currently completing her MFA in Creative Nonfiction. She is passionate about assisting others with exploring their origins, identity, and purpose through dreams, and finding creative ways to express those themes. She also endeavors to use the nature of dreams to enhance the understanding of the knowledge found within three ancient civilizations – India, Egypt, and Greece – explore the transmission of cultural memory through dreams, and seeks to spark a conversation on the development of alternative ways of gathering and interpreting information. Alaya understands dreams to be a microcosmic example of mythology – the macrocosmic dream – and deviates from a Euro/androcentric approach to dream interpretation. As a Mago contributor, her focus is to highlight the prominent presence and voice of the Primordial Mother found within the mythological stories of these ancient civilizations, through her organic approach to dreamwork.

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