(2022 Pilgrimage 3) A visual Journey of the Goddess as Protectress from the Neolithic to Present in Eastern Europe by Krista Rodin

Bronze Age

With the development of metals came the start of specialization and subsequently social stratification and hierarchy, i.e. the beginnings of a ruling class/aristocracy.  More gravesites with multiple riches, including jewelry, metal vessels, bowls, clothing and clearly imported items are found from this period onward than from the earlier periods. (Borić-Breškovič 48)

Unnamed idol, ca. 1500BCE 


Idol of Kličevac, 1400-1200BCE

“The idol is interpreted as another goddess, an escort on the road to the afterlife or as the actual symbol of the afterlife.” Museum plaque

Classical Period

While I was in Serbia, the National Museum had a special exhibition on “Goddesses from the Classical Period.” A few of the pieces that were part of that collection are included here.

4th C BCE goddesses ?Tyche?   3rd C BCE Marble miniature of Acropolis Pallas Athena

The museum plaque mentioned that it is extremely rare to have a marble miniature of the original Pallas Athena.

                             1st C. CE Cybele, North Macedonia, Serbian National Museum


4th C CE Dardanian goddess, Pristina, Kosovo Museum

(To be Continued)

Meet Mago Contributor, Krista Rodin Ph.D.

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