(Tribute) Midsummer Births a Goddess, Carol P. Christ (1945-2021) by Sara Wright

Photo by Sara Wright

[Author’s Note: I wrote the prose and poem this morning July 14th   for Carol’s blog not knowing at that time that this most compassionate woman, feminist scholar, mentor, friend had died shortly after midnight. When I saw the notice on the Internet I was stunned. It seemed so impersonal to receive such heartbreaking news in this manner. When I came back to read this piece I realized that indeed, Midsummer had given birth to a Goddess and her name was Carol Christ.

This year more than ever before I note a very subtle shift that is occurring as we approach the middle of July. Lots of humidity – and I confess – I love the sweet summer scent as long as it isn’t hot. The days are losing a minute or two of light. Instead of slamming out of bed in the pre-dawn hour I find myself sleeping until 6AM and my dogs want to sleep in until 9 on gray foggy mornings like today. The birds are quieter, their songs less intense although my feeder is visited by hoards of youngsters, many of which are still being fed by their parents.

The Wood thrush has moved deeper into the forest, so it  the Mourning doves who begin my day with song. Most of all, I notice the richness, the vibrancy of deep summer green. Even though my flower garden is on fire with primary colors, I can’t seem to soak in enough greening to satisfy my hungry heart..

Subtle changes like this probably go unnoticed by most but for me they are signs of the goddess coming into her own…I am curious if anyone else senses this shift of energy.


Midsummer births a Goddess

She comes to life


in ferns –




hay scented,

each a different shade

of green.

She hides

under graceful hemlock


 a lacy cedar.

 As Partridge berry

 She winds her way

around a rotting

trunk, fruit

not yet fully formed.

 Cherry tree,

drops pale leaves

in light winds,

 her life force spent

 after early

April blooms.

 Her gift of

perfect crimson


loved and eaten by

birds and bears.

Each Tree bares her name

 smooth and ribbed

limbs, verdant leaves

 capture shimmering

  drops of dew.

Silver slips

through stone

so eerily still –

it’s hard to recall

  rushing waters

until thunder cracks

open the sky,

and churning rivers

run brown,

peeling away

unprotected hills.

When the Cloud People

cast shark gray shadows

 I call up Her

gentle, soaking rains

to temper

wild and white

 lightening strikes.

She courts Peace,

repairs tortured splits

between earth

and sky with Love…

  She calms all

who seek her

  in that Sea

  of Emerald Grace.

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