(Poem) Whale Song: I Heard You Calling by Sharon Smith

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I heard you calling,

Gentle Giant of the Oceans.

Your Song seemed so sad to me.

I looked into your soft, sympathetic eye,

And saw the sorrow of Mother Earth

Staring back at me,

The sorrow of One who has suffered much

At the selfish hands of Man.

Your Song is a cry for Peace,

A cessation of the wanton killing

Of all creatures, near and far.

It is a call for a return to Balance and Harmony

With Nature, so lacking in the World of Man;

An end to Warfare and Bloodshed,

To Hatred and Division and “Dominion Over”,

All too common to Humankind.

It is a warning that Time is running out,

That the Earth cannot, will not, take further abuse

From Mankind; It is a reminder that

Actions have consequences and

You reap what you sow;

You get what you put out.

It is a wake-up call for Humanity

And I hope to Goddess that we listen.

Your Song settled into my Soul, its mournful refrains

Winding a blood-stained ribbon around my heart.

I am sorry for what we have done to you,

For what we have done to the Oceans, your home,

And to the vast and vital ecosystems of this planet.

I shed the tears you cannot shed

And write the words you cannot speak

To ask Mankind to listen to your Whale Song.

Listen, not with the ears alone, but with the Heart and Soul.

Let your Song be heard, embraced,

Felt deeply in the Hearts of Mankind.

So we will know and understand

That we are not supreme upon Mother Earth,

But are simply another thread in the Great Web of Life.

And that we cannot continue to waste and pollute,

To defile and destroy a planet that is yours as much as ours.

O Great One, Magnificent Denizen of the Deep,

Keep singing!

Let no one silence your beautiful Voice,

For your Whale Song must be heard,

Must be understood,

Must be honored,

And must be protected so that future generations

Can know you and learn from you.

You are Wise, Connected Beings —

Connected to the Stars, the Planets, the Great Mother Herself

As She spins Her galaxies

In the eternal Sacred Spiral of

Life, Death and Rebirth.

You, my Beloved Cetaceans, are Her Ambassadors,

The Keepers of Her Divine Mysteries…

I heard you calling

And I listened.

I listened and I learned.

I learned and I grew;

Your Whale Song has changed me.

May it change all of Mankind too…

(Meet Mago Contributor) Sharon Smith

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