(Essay) Pech-Bread Oven, Wood Stove: Archetypal Movement, Pech, Round-Bellied Stove Bread and Pregnancy – South Slavic Honoring Females by Danica Anderson, Ph.D.

Archetypal Biosemiotic meanings

Bread: The grinding of grain, kneading of the dough, inserting the dough into the pech are alchemical transformational divine feminine properties. Uteri Heritage and Uteri Legacy.

Kikimora: Ancestral female spirit that gives warning of danger and is associated with the domestic and home (domovi) and lives behind the pech.

Hands on Belly Goddess Figures: Dates back to 7th millennium BCE in southeastern Europe, and symbolizes the pech as the womb─a divine feminine power that connects Moist Mother Earth as residing in each female.

Hearth: (Pech) Place of spiritual transformation, shedding of everything through the fires of heaven─purifying rites that are not connected to the Moist Mother Earth realm. Wombs of females and the womb of the Moist Mother Earth.

(Meet Mago Contributor) Danica Anderson, Ph.D.

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