Meet Mago Contributor, Xánath Caraza

Xanath pr picCaraza is an Award Winning Finalist in the ‘Fiction: Multicultural’ category of the 2013 International Book Awards.  Her book Conjuro was awarded second place in the ‘Best Poetry Book in Spanish’ category and received honorable mention in the ‘Best First Book in Spanish, Mariposa Award’ category of the 2013 International Latino Book Awards.  She was named number one of the 2013 Top Ten “New” Latino Authors to Watch (and Read) by She won the 2003 Ediciones Nuevo Espacio international short story contest in Spanish and was a 2008 finalist for the first international John Barry Award.  Originally from Xalapa,Veracruz, Mexico, she has lived in Vermont and Kansas City. She has an M.A. in Romance Languages. She lectures in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Her upcoming poetry collection, Sílabas de viento (2014) is from Mammoth Publications.  Her short story collection,Lo que trae la marea/ What the Tide Brings (2013) is from Mouthfeel Press.  Her full-length book of poetry Conjuro (2012) is from Mammoth Publications and her chapbook Corazón Pintado: Ekphrastic Poems (2012) is from TL Press. Caraza writes the US Latino Poets en español column, an international collaboration between Letras Latinas (Notre Dame University) and Periódico de Poesía (UNAM, Mexico).  In addition, she writes the poetry/narrative section for Revista Zona de Ocio. She curates the National Poetry Month, Poem-a-Day project, for the Con Tinta Literary Organization since 2012.  Caraza has participated in Festival Latinoamericano de Poesía de New York City de 2013, X Festival Internacional de Poesía de la ciudad de Granada, Andalucía, España de 2013, Floricanto Barcelona 2011 and 2012, Festival de Flor y Canto 2010, USC.  Caraza is an advisory circle member of the Con Tinta literary organization and a former board member of the Latino Writers Collective in Kansas City. She has taught in Mexico, Brazil, China, Spain and the US.

For an interview of Xánath Caraza, here:

Another interview, and to hear her read her poem “Conjuro” aloud, here:

Her book Conjuro (Mammoth Publication 2012) s is available here:

Her book Lo que trae la marea / What the Tide Brings (Mouthfeel Press, 2013 is available here:

Her book Corazón Pintado: Ekphrastic Poems (TL Press, 2012) is available by mail to TL Press/P.O. Box 32631/Kansas City MO 64171-5631/Phone: (816)501-4178/Editor: Silvia Kofler

Read her recently published posts: 

(Poem) Fuerza Ancestral/Ancestral Strength by Xánath Caraza (in Spanish and English

(Poem) Conjuro/Spellbound by Xánath  Caraza (in Spanish and English)

(Poem) Niebla verde/Green Fog by Xánath Caraza (in Spanish and English)

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