(Mago Almanac Excerpt 4) Introducing the Magoist Calendar by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book A) Free PDF available at Mago Bookstore.


A cycle of Little Calendar is called Sa (year). One Sa has thirteen Gi (months). One Gi has twenty-eight Il (days). Twenty-eight Il are divided by four Yo (weeks). One Yo has seven Il. A cycle of one Yo is called Bok (completion of a week). One Sa (year) has fifty-two Yobok. That makes 364 Il. This is of Seongsu (Natural Number) 1, 4, 7.

This is a regular annual time of 364 days without intercalations: The cycle of Little Calendar (a period) is called year (Sa, one year). One year has 13 months (Gi). One month comprises 28 days (Il) and 4 weeks (Yo). One week has 7 days. One year has a total of 52 weeks (4×13), which is 364 days (28×13).

The Magoist Calendar establishes 28 days for a month and 13 months to make the regular annual cycle of 364 days (28 x 13 = 364), to be supported by intercalations. A week comprises 7 days. A month has a total of 4 weeks. A year has a total of 52 weeks. Thus, it forms an interlocking interplay of 28-13-7-4-52-1-364 numbers. Numerologically, they belong the first group of three types of numbers, the Natural Numbers of 1, 4, 7. Each of 28 days, 13 months, 7 days, 4 weeks, 52 weeks, 1 day and 364 days constitutes a self-regulating spiral calendar and is connected with one another like an engine of differently sized cogwheels. For example, 1 day forms a daily spiral calendar. 7 days forms a weekly spiral calendar. 4 weeks forms a monthly spiral calendar (28 days). 28 days form a monthly spiral calendar (4 of 7 day weekly spirals or 28 daily spirals). 13 months form a yearly spiral calendar (13 of 28 months spirals, or 52 weekly spirals).

Concerning the 28 day monthly spiral (4 of 7 weekly spirals), each day of the month is fixated with one of the seven weekdays throughout the year. The basic structure of a month looks as below. In this configuration, the 13th Friday is instated in the second of four weekly spirals.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28


Regarding Natural Numbers, 1, 4, 7, it is involved as follows:

1 day (1)

13 months (1+3=4)

28 days (2+8=10, 1+0=1)

7 days (7)

52 weeks (5+2=7)

364 days (3+6+4=13, 1+3=4)

Natural Numbers 1, 4, 7 refers to the basic sub-structures of an annual calendar (364 days). Each unit of the 28-13-7-1-52-364 scheme forms a self-regulating organic cogwheel that is in sync with one another.

The logographic meanings of such terms as Sa (year), Gi (month), Yo (week) or Yobok (one week), and Il (day) are as follows:


Sa (祀 Rituals, year) One year refers to the time to complete the cycle of rituals.

Gi (期 Periods, month) One month refers to the period of the moon and menstruation cycle.

Il (日Sun, day) One day refers to a day of the sun or light due to Earth’s rotation.

Yo (曜 Resplendence of seven celestial bodies, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, week) A week include seven days dedicated to the seven celestial bodies.

Bok or Yobok (曜服 Duties of the celestial bodies, completion of a week) One week refers to the cycle of seven daily rituals dedicated to the seven celestial bodies.


The character, Sa (Rituals), that means a year, appears peculiar in comparison with other terms, Gi (Periods, lunar and menstrual) to mean a month, Il (Sun) to mean a day, and Yo (Resplendence of seven celestial bodies) to mean a week. Sa (Rituals) is apparently unmatched with other terms in that all of the latter involve the celestial bodies of the Moon, the Sun and the planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). Given that Earth is not implicated in these names, we may postulate that Sa is associated with Earth, referring to the Rite of Earth, the above key terms of the Magoist Calendar make sense, representing the Sun, the Moon, and solar planets including Earth. The Rite of the Earth hypothesis corroborates the definition of a year, the time taken for the Earth to make one revolution around the sun. In any case, the meaing of the character Sa suggest an inextricable relation between a year and rituals.


Magoist terms Modern meaning Logographic meaning Corresponding celestial bodies Characteristic cyclic movement
Sa祀 Year Rituals Earth Seasons
Gi期 Month Periods Moon Menstruation
Il 日 Day Days Sun Day and night
Yo曜 Week Resplendence of celestial bodies Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Rotations of solar celestial bodies


To be continued.

(Meet Mago Contributor, Helen Hye-Sook Hwang)

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