(Art) Nuestra Senora La Virgen de Guadalupe by Lydia Ruyle

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Nuestra Senora La Virgen de Guadalupe is the present name of the Great Mother Goddess of Mexico. The Spaniards brought Black Madonnas with them to the western hemisphere where they joined Mayan Ixchel and Aztec Tonantzin of earlier Pre-Hispanic cultures. La Virgen spoke to Juan Diego, a simple peasant, asking him to build a church to her on Tonantzin’s hill at Tepeyac. Miraculously, La Virgen’s image appeared on his tilma wrapped around many red roses as proof of his vision. It hangs in the Cathedral today. Guadalupe is the Goddess of the Western Hemisphere, Central and South America, and the southwestern United States.
Painting on cloth, c.1534, Guadalupe Cathedral, Tepeyac, Mexico City

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1 thought on “(Art) Nuestra Senora La Virgen de Guadalupe by Lydia Ruyle”

  1. I am presently staying in a little stone and adobe brick house that has Guadalupe ‘s image embedded in a stone grotto built into the house. I believe that Guadalupe is the Mother of the Americas…he lovely dark skin a reminder that she acknowledges all women and men. I enjoy your painting!

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