(Meet Mago Contributor) Carol Hiltner

Carol Hiltner[Return to Mago E-Magazine learned that Carol passed away at the end of August, 2019. We send condolences to Carol Hiltner’s daughter, family and loved ones.]

Carol Hiltner is an American author and artist with an international audience. Since 1999, she has made many vision quests into the AltaiMountains in Siberia, which inspires her visionary paintings and memoirs. She is currently working on the third book of her Altai Chronicles. In 2006 Carol founded the nonprofit Altai Mir University to help the indigenous Altai people protect their sacred lands and culture, and to share their ancient wisdom with the West. In 2009, Carol was the first recipient of a global peace-building award from the National Peace Foundation in recognition of her citizen diplomacy work in the ’80s to end the Cold War. Carol’s web sites have numerous articles detailing her work, as well as a full gallery of her numerous paintings.



Carol Hiltner’s artwork is included here:

(Essay) Exodus 1980 Revisited by Glenys Livingstone (1994)

(Essay 2) Gaia as Universe-Earth-Self: a Unity of Being by Glenys Livingstone Ph.D.

(Special Post 8) Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, and Spirituality?

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