(Mago Almanac Excerpt 1) Introducing the Magoist Calendar by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

Mago Almanac: 13 Month 28 Day Calendar (Book A) Free PDF available at Mago Bookstore.



Thirteen Spells Doom to the would-be doomers. It signals the release of the Doomsday Wolf that Fates/Norns had hitherto restrained. It spells awakening of Memory, of Metamemory, the Self-unveiling of Metamysterious Crones, whose Eye-Bites snap the chains of fettered Time.” Mary Daly, from Websters’ First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language


Unlike the patriarchal calendar that marks a linearly-structured dismembered time, the Magoist Calendar or Mgoist Dalryeok[2] captures the conjunction of spiraling times that visualizes the interconnection of all beings. The Magoist Calendar restores the original meaning of the calendar: The calendar is the TEXT given by the Creatrix, Mago, which encrypts the cosmogonic rhythms of nature and maps out the way of human/woman beings together with all in their surroundings. In a narrow sense, it refers a chart that schematizes the TEXT of the Creatrix into interconnected cyclic and rhythmic time units. The calendar is ultimately not only salvific but also the very emblem of salvation. It is revelatory and sacred by definition. The very formation of the Magoist Calendar presupposes the following: (1) All (including humans) in the universe is in order and harmony, an embodiment of sonic numerology. (2) Time is cyclic and rhythmic caused by the songs/dances of celestial bodies including the earth, the moon, and the sun. And (3) All beings are found kindred in the Mago Time of NOW. The Magoist Calendar is time-proven, marking the very onset of human/woman intelligence for its origin.

Charting the times and seasons of NOW (the Mago Time) relative to the far distant stars (the sidereal time), the Magoist Calendar encodes the ecstatic nature of WE/HERE/NOW, the Reality of the Creatrix. As a luni-gyno-solar calendar, it unfolds the intergalactic standard time of NOW for WE in HERE, in which all beings are born and partake. By “luni-gyno-solar” I mean “of the 28 days, the synchronous cycle of the moon and women that determines 13 months of a year and 7 days of a week.” It refers to the gynocentric calendar in which the lunar cycle synchronizes with the menstrual cycle. Unlike the patriarchal lunisolar calendar, the lunar 29.5 day synodic cycle, which determines the annual 12 months, the Magoist Calendar takes on the 28 day lunar sidereal cycle synchronized with women’s menstruation (luni-gyno), which determines the annual 13 months (solar). The 28 day, 13 month, 7 day interplay orchestrated by Nine Numerology stands as a building block of the inter-cosmic time.

The most prominent feature of the Magoist Calendar lies in its regularity and cyclicity embedded in the 28-day, 13-month scheme. One year comprises 13 months (364 days) with one intercalary day annually (365 days) and another one day in every fourth year (366 days). One month comprises 28 days, which is dovetailed with four weeks of seven days. Issued from the spiraling motion of the celestial bodies (HERE), the Mago Time (NOW) is structured as the spiral of multi-layered sub-spirals, centrifugally and centripetally. In short, it is an embodiment of nine numerology, systemic and balanced. For example, one year is made of 13 monthly spirals or 52 weekly spirals. Each of its 13 monthly spirals is made of 4 spirals of 7 days (28 days). Each of its 4 weekly spirals is made of 7 spirals of one day (7 days). Centrifugally, the Little calendar comprises a one year cycle, whereas the Medium Calendar is a two year cycle and the Large Calendar is a four year cycle. Four hundred Large Calendars make 1,600 years (4 x 400).

Regularity is the key to the gynocentric inter-cosmic calendar. Calendric regularity or rhythm is derived from the regular motion of celestial bodies. The very formation of the standard intergalactic time (sidereal time) presupposes the regularity of the celestial bodies in their cyclic motions. Patriarchal calendars, which were invented to abolish the 28-13 interplay, fail the regularity test. They are characterized by an irregular number of monthly days in annual 12 months, which results in an inefficient way of adding extra days for intercalation. For example, the Sinocentric lunisolar calendar has 29 or 30 days in a month and needs 11 extra days in a year. The Gregorian Calendar, although it minimizes intercalation into one extra day in every four years, is based on the intermittent length of the month (28, 29, 30, or 31 days). The irregularity of a month implies the irregular motion of the celestial bodies, which proves the 12 months calendar to be numerologically unfit. The 12 months calendar self-contracts to the very definition of calendar; the calendar presupposes that the universe is in order and harmony. On the contrary, the Magoist Calendar is built on the regularity of a monthly 28 days and an annual 13 months. Consequently, the 7 day week scheme runs 4 regular cycles in a month. Thus, each day of a week is matched with a certain weekday within a week and throughout the four weeks of a month. For example, the first is always Sunday and the second is always Monday. That is how we arrive at the 13th Friday. And the Magoist Calendar requires, for intercalation, one intercalary day annually (365 days) and another one intercalary day every four years (366 days), which are considered outside the 28-13 cogwheel of a yearly time.

It is a mistake to think that the patriarchal calendar is as symmetrical as the gynocentric calendar. Patriarchal calendars deviates from the 28 day and 13 month system to an irregular number of days (28, 29, 30, or 31) and 12 months. However, they can’t completely evade the gynocentric calendar. In order to self-impose as calendar, a patriarchal calendar employs an illusion of regularity. With the irregular number of monthly days throughout the year, a patriarchal calendar fakes its regularity by borrowing the weekly cycle of 7 days from the 28-13-7 scheme of the gynocentric calendar. Its regularity is pretense. For the 7 day cycle works only with the rhythm of 28 days (7 x 4). Patriarchal calendars prove to be a mutantion of the gynocentric calendar. Put differently, that is how the Magoist Calendar continues to be made manifest through all calendars including patriarchal ones.

To be continued.

(Meet Mago Contributor, Helen Hye-Sook Hwang)


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