Meet Mago Contributor, MaryAnn Columbia

maryann-columbiaMaryAnn Columbia is an Obstetric Nurse and Holistic Healer at Massachusetts General Hospital, an  academic teaching hospital and an international birthing center in Boston, MA.  MaryAnn’s model of care is guided by Western academic evidence based and mind/body practice as well as a spiritual mosaic of traditional healing practices which include; Korean and Eastern energy healing, yoga, principles of Q’ero/Andean shamanism, Buddhism, Sanskrit mantra therapy,  meditation and interfaith clinical spiritual care.  I believe that I am a healing bridge or conduit for integration of East and West, Feminine and Masculine, academic and metaphysical, ancient and modern.  I believe that we are co-creating the future of our planet with every birth.

Published posts from the recent:

(Essay) Gayatri Initiation by MaryAnn Columbia

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