(Meet Mago Contributor) Meghanaiyegee Venketasamy (Megha)

Meghanaiyegee Venketasamy (Megha), a daughter born and raised in Mauritius – an island loaded with a deep legacy of slavery, colonization, people of colors from around the globe. Such diversity could only enhance her growth, her believes, her values in the most profound way as she has come with an innate knowingness that deep within is a red thread that runs through each one of us, a Red thread that connects us all, whether we know it or not.

Megha is a Guardian of this land, a process facilitator, an artist, a writer, a meta-coach, a reminder of the sacred feminine, a powerful voice.

A firm believer in the power of manifestation and the magikness of life, she keeps on moving through challenges, shifting and sifting, taking whatever nurtures her soul and leaving the rest behind with gratitude. “It is a process – life, death, unveiling, revealing, release, awakening and elevating. It’s all a process”, she says.

Megha’s life purpose to be one of those to “serve women and men” by building bridges and by bringing balance for the collective healing of this world through co-creative collaborations.

Megha holds a degree in Business Management and is also an Associate Certified Meta-Coach by the International Society of Neuro-Semantics. Currently, she is one of the Board Members of trade+impact, an international association whose purpose is to focus on women led social entreprises in Africa and MNE. In her professional and activism commitments, Megha focuses on inner empowerment of women by working through belief systems, combining neuro-semantic tools with facilitation tools, for that which is constructed can be deconstructed.  She journeys with women so that they remember and re-member their inner power and then they lead their way through.

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