(Solstice meditation) Three Candles Meditation by Glenys Livingstone Ph.D.

This meditation particularly expresses Winter Solstice Poetry – the Poiesis of the Creative Cosmos at this Seasonal Moment, when the the ancients of my heritage celebrated the significance of the Triple Spiral: they engraved this triplicit motif on the inner chamber wall of the Bru-na-Boinne sacred mound in Ireland[1], placed so that it would be lit by the dawn Sunlight at Winter Solstice each year.

The Triple Spiral, which was hidden for millennia and only uncovered again in the latter part of last century, apparently represented something essential to the Indigenous religious tradition of the region and perhaps to a wider community of people who came there. I have taken it to represent my understanding of a Cosmology wherein I am in intimate relationship my Habitat/Place: a PaGaian Cosmology, wherein my everyday footsteps are the sacred Journey – as Earth journeys around Sun … our everyday sacred journey. The following meditation celebrates three qualities of the essential Creativity of the Cosmos, that are resonant with other triple metaphors – the Triple Goddess, the Three Refuges.

Light the 1st candle:

I remember She within me Who is deeply related – the Mother – the Matrix, the Intricate Web – She Who Is – everything within me that connects me to the past, upon which the present is built – the Depth of this moment, this Dynamic Place of Being. I remember the Sangha, the community around the globe that supports Life, those in particular that have and do support my life – all those who have been, and are, my teachers.

Light the 2nd candle:

I remember She within me Who is ever new – the Young One – the Urge budding forth – She Who will Be – the future, the children, the descendants of body and mind – the much More in myself and all selves. I remember the Buddha, the Self, the Shining One within all, for whom I refine the gold – for whom this life is given, those whom I support, for whom I am teacher.

Light the 3rd candle:

I remember She within me Who returns me to All-That-Is, to the Great Subject – the Old One – She within Who creates the Space to Be, Who dissolves the old in every moment, Who is the transformations of the Ages – Who knows the Truth of all things – Who is the Sentience within all. I remember the Dharma, She within whose Wisdom is beyond all knowledge.

This is the Creative Context in which we are held – in the Context of all that supports this present moment, in the Context of the future that is being conceived and nurtured right here, and in the Context of the Old all-Knowing Compassionate One who receives all – all three creative dynamics present Here within each unique being.


  1. Bru-na-Boinne is commonly known as “Newgrange”, a name given to the place in Christian times when the significance of the place was all but forgotten, and only remembered perjoratively as “folklore”: the Place was merely a “new farm”. But of Old it was the Place of Boann – the Goddess of the region for whom the Boyne River there is named.

For a video version: The Three Candles Meditation on YouTube.

Reference: Glenys Livingstone Ph.D., PaGaian Cosmology: Re-inventing Earth-based Goddess Religion, Lincoln NE:iUniverse 2005. p. 259-260.

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